Winter Break

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With an increase of homemade cookies, crayon-colored cards, and cartons of Eggnog making their way into the office, it means that the holidays are almost here! It’s been a fantastic year, and there is much rejoicing to partake in, but for now, we’re tired. The time has come to cash in our paid time off and break for a winter vacation.

So, beginning December 21st the BioWare offices will be closed for the holidays. Multiplayer fans, please be aware that there will be no N7 Bounty Weekends for the weekends of December 28th or January 4th. Now before you go replacing the candy in our stockings with coal, we’ve prepared a little something for you as our way of wishing you a happy holiday season!

  • 3 Kits Unlocked (Drell Assassin, Batarian Slasher, and Volus Protector)
  • All Hazard Maps Available
  • Two new card packs to help fill out your collections

Thank you for all of your amazing support this year, and especially for playing. We’ll see you in 2013!