BioWare Holiday Images

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Have you got a holiday image in your head for either Mass Effect or Dragon Age? Draw, paint, or Shop it and send it to us!

Around this time every year, we start thinking about the holidays and imagining how our characters might celebrate it. Would the Mass Effect team put up lights and streamers around the Normandy CIC? Would the Dragon Age team hang up their stockings around a campfire?

This year we wanted to try something a little bit different. Instead of us answering those questions, we want to know what you think. Have you got a holiday image in your head for either Mass Effect or Dragon Age? Draw, paint, or Shop it and send it to us! We’ll feature the best ones on our Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest pages.

Email your submissions to and be sure to include the following:

  • Your name
  • Your website (if you’d like us to credit it)
  • Your permission to post your creation (example: “I give BioWare permission to post my submission on their social media pages)

We’ll start posting submissions on Monday, December 17th. We can’t wait to see what you come up with, but in the meantime, here’s a little inspiration:

Image credit: DeviantArtist Weissidian