Mass Effect: Infiltrator Update

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A massive update has hit Mass Effect: Infiltrator on the iTunes App Store! A new bonus mission has been included, allowing you to play as a captured Turian experiment victim. Can you escape the medical bay?

A massive update has hit Mass Effect: Infiltrator on the iTunes App Store! A new bonus mission has been included, allowing you to play as a captured Turian experiment victim. Can you escape the medical bay?

Also, by popular demand, we’ve added the following features…

  • Manual Aiming – Use your own skills to take down enemies. Simply disable the “tap-to-aim” function in the Options section to try it. We’ve also improved the responsiveness of “tap-to-aim.”
  • New Mission Rewards – Earn bonus credits and boost War Assets if you score 3 stars on every checkpoint.
  • Paragon & Renegade – Now your facial scars and biotic colors will change with the choices you make (are you good or evil)?
  • Optimized for the new iPad – Discover high-resolution gaming like never before with smoother performance and Retina display enhancements!

Download Mass Effect: Infiltrator from the iTunes App Store today!