BioWare Blog Design Contest Winner

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Back in December, we launched an initiative for our fans to help us design the new look and feel of the BioWare Blog. Read on to find out who won!

Back in December, we launched an initiative for our fans to help us design the new look and feel of the BioWare Blog. We received a lot of great entries with a great deal of passion behind them, but we ultimately settled on a classic look for the blog, designed by Matt of, who was given a $200 gift certificate and recognition for his design! You can see more of Matt’s work at his website, We sat down with Matt and asked him a few questions about what it means to be a BioWare fan and his inspirations as a designer. Thanks again to everyone who participated!

Hi Matt! How long have you been a fan of BioWare games?
Bioware had me back in 2007 when Mass Effect first released, since then I’ve been a long term fan, and I’m pretty pumped for C&C Generals 2, I can’t wait to see what you guys do with it

Who is your favorite character from one of our franchises?
It’s hard for me to narrow down a single character, but Commander Shepard and Thane have my top two spots. Thane is the closest character I can relate to, and Shepard well…he’s awesome who wouldn’t love him?

What inspires you in your work?
In a creative design business it’s always hard to stay inspired, but I find these days I’m addicted to pinterest. There’s always a little bit of everything I like there, art, photography, design, movies, games, decor, it’s a constant revolving door of inspirational awesome.

Anything else you’d like to add?
I just wanted to add one last thing. I love Mass Effect, not to the point of being able to chime off every planet and city and quotes from certain characters or anything like that. I sincerely believe that this is one of the best gaming series I’ve ever played, not just technically but for the emotional investment, story and time it takes to play it in a world where story and character development are starting to take a back seat to action.

After ME2 came out I was playing once and really diving into everything to complete my 100%, I even read all the codex entries…there was one in particular that talked about Cystic Fibrosis, which holds a special place in my heart. I think the series finally sealed the deal for me at that point. On a lighter note there’s…this awesomeness. Keep up the great work!