Dragon Age Keep Update

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dragonimageWith the recent announcement of a new release date for Dragon Age: Inquisition, we’d also like to provide an update on the Dragon Age Keep .

To coincide with the November 18, 2014, launch of Inquisition, we will also be moving the Keep’s launch date. Accordingly, we’ll be extending our beta program, meaning there’s still plenty of time to get involved with the Keep.

For those unfamiliar with the Keep, it’s a companion Web experience that allows you to customize your story choices across the Dragon Age franchise. This ensures that regardless of what platform you play on, you’ll always have your Thedas the way you made it.

Since we last wrote about the Keep,we’ve launched a closed beta program that has been running successfully for several months. We’re adding more and more users on a regular basis, and working with our testers has been instrumental in improving the overall Keep experience.

If you’d like to get involved with the beta, you can apply online at dragonagekeep.com. Participants are selected based on their application responses, not on a first-come first-serve basis. This way, we can make sure that we have users from multiple platforms and with varying levels of experience with Dragon Age games.

However, if you’re not selected to participate in the beta, don’t fret! We still plan to launch ahead of Dragon Age: Inquisition, giving you ample time to establish your world state ahead of time. The exact date is still to be determined and will depend on how the beta progresses. We’ll continue to release information over the coming weeks, providing updates as the beta progresses.

We’re also launching an official twitter account for the Keep (@DragonAgeKeep), where you’ll be able to find regular updates and get in touch with the team. It’s also where we’ll be announcing when we send out beta invitations to users.

If you want more information about the Keep, you’ll find a handy list of links and FAQs below.

Keep FAQ


Forum post on some recent questions

Here’s what some of our users have been saying:

Interview with Gamermd83

Lady Insanity

Anthony’s AAGA

Princess Stabbity’s FAQ and Beta Tester Diary