Dragon Age To The World!

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Our Fans

First, thank you to all of our fans around the world for making Dragon Age: Origins a crushing success. BioWare and EA are thrilled to have now launched Dragon Age: Origins worldwide. Customers, fans and critics alike love Dragon Age: Origins and are having a great time playing it as well as using the newly released Dragon Age Toolset. Fans are using the BioWare Social Network to discuss the game on our forums, uploading screenshots to their profiles and blogging about their experiences in game.

Here are what a few of our critics are saying:

Gamespot.com – Score: 95
“…The fantasy RPG you’ve been waiting for…”
Game Pro – Score: 100
“BioWare has once again struck RPG gold”
GameZone – Score: 99
“This game is of a level that has never been seen before. It is the new benchmark.”
Game Informer – Score: 90
“…one of the most addictive and expansive RPGs of its kind.”
1up.com – Score: 100
“It’s the best RPG of the year — and maybe the best of the HD era.”
USAToday.com – Score: 4/4
“…Dragon Age: Origins, a masterfully crafted adventure that offers a lot of bang for your buck.”

While most customers have been playing Dragon Age: Origins without any problems, a few customers have experienced issues that have prevented them from fully enjoying the game. As you already know BioWare has always been committed to providing high quality games to its fans and we are just as committed to providing an ongoing gaming experience free of quirks and hiccups. With that said we would like to announce our Patch 1.01 which you can find here. We really appreciate the feedback we have been getting from fans and encourage you to let us know of any anomalies you find with any part of the game or our website. Your help allows us to build stronger patches to release on a regular cadence. You can keep us informed and get help using the following links:

Dragon Age Customer Support:
Dragon Age: Origins Technical Support:
BioWare Social Bug Report:
BioWare Points Bug Report:

Thanks again to all our fans for making this such a successful launch!

Derek Larke
BioWare’s Online Marketing Manager