The Dragon on Tour: Part 2

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Part 1 of 1 (maybe), by Bruce Venne
BioWare took Dragon Age on the road across this fine planet of ours and our very own intrepid Bruce Venne was along for the ride:


Things I learned on the Dragon Age Press Tour

• Penthouse has a video game column
• Some restaurants in Madrid do not even open until 10 pm
Brutal Legend and Dante’s Inferno keep on looking more awesome every time I see them
• All taxis should be Mercedes Benzes
• If the lights in your hotel room do not turn on, try inserting your room keycard into a slot near the door
• Avoid Luton Airport
• You will encounter at least one rude cab driver in France. Every other person you meet in France will be very nice
• Karma can be earned during airplane flights
• When your flight is delayed the flight attendant will ask that passengers allow those with connecting flights to disembark first. If ten passengers say they have connecting flights, thirty people will stand up to leave when the plane lands

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Bruce Venne got a job in the BioWare QA department after spending two week sitting on a crate in James Ohlen’s office playing Knights of the Old Republic. Afterwards, Bruce got his own desk, in the hallway of the old Whyte Ave office, to test the NWN expansion packs. He now applies his English degree and Library Technicians diploma to design testing on Dragon Age, and filing monthly reports to HR about the behavior of the Marketing department during press tours.