Dragon Age Toolset: Builder Event II

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Part 1 of 1, by Jay Watamaniuk

We have a few guests here at BioWare HQ this week.

beii1Some had worked with each other for years and yet this was this first time they had a chance to meet in the person. Some were from Edmonton, some came from further away like Toronto and California. Some traveled even further to be here from Germany, Scotland and even Denmark. All of them are very talented and very dedicated builders or modders who all had created some of the best content for fans of Neverwinter Nights and Neverwinter Nights 2 to enjoy. We wanted them to get some hands-on time with the Dragon Age Toolset and learn the tricks directly from BioWare developers.

Everyone, apart from an unfortunate Scotsman who encountered weather delays and mechanical trouble, managed to arrive the night before for dinner and discussion. The Scotsmen did arrive Wednesday morning free from the burden of proper night’s sleep but on time and ready to go.IMG_3218

Lead Designer Mike Laidlaw kicked things off with a short demonstration of Dragon Age and introduced the vision and basic themes of what the team was trying to capture and explore. The group saw a beta of the planned website features being built to help builders start and organize projects locate the right team members and show off the content they create.

Technical Designers David Sims and Joshua Stiksma were tasked with an introduction and overview of the toolset, creating simple plots, scripts, and dialogue. The final lesson of the day was a look at combat and abilities by Technical Designer Grant MacKay.

And that’s only Day 1 of 3.

Dragon Age Toolset discussion