BioWare at E3: Telling Stories, L.A. style

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E3Part 1 of 1, by Jay Watamaniuk

If the crazy train had a name it would certainly be E3. A short history for those who have never heard of E3:

  • Games were an unloved but mighty side show at the Consumer Electronics Show years ago
  • Games then mutinied and started our own show called the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)
  • E3 is a convention that shows off all the latest and greatest in the world of video games
  • Then E3 became big enough to crack worlds and question our significance in the universe
  • E3 became a bloated, lumbering husk that finally fell down and couldn’t get up
  • But E3 did get up, bought a leather jacket and a motorcycle and got back in the game

BioWare is having our biggest show ever with Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age: Origins and our recently announced iPhone game Mass Effect Galaxy.

I‘m Super-Important: Give Me the Highlights

EA just had a big press conference that had Ray and Greg up onstage talking about the big boat of BioWare games being developed.

New Dragon Age: Origins website.

A dramatic change in style for the Dragon. I myself have the red dragon logo image on my desktop. You too can be this cool. Dare to dream my friend. Dare to dream.

Here is the video we showed at the EA press conference. Watching this video will make you feel bad it is not October 20, 2009.



Fans of Mass Effect 2 can finally explore some real space meat and space potatoes of BioWare’s next sci-fi epic on the all new website featuring locations, hints on team members, gameplay and a space buckets.

You must have seen the new ME2 trailer below that shows off some great gameplay, new weapons and angry, neck-snappin’ aliens. If not, then I’m prepared to call your life starkly free from awesome. Feel shame.
