BioWare Base 2014 Season

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We’re pleased to announce our North America Community Team “BioWare Base” conventions for 2014 after a thrilling PAX East last month! If you’re attending any of these conventions, we hope you’ll join us for panels, activities, and the return of the Dragon Egg Hunt!

PAX East


San Diego Comic Con

PAX Prime

Montreal Comic Con

Edmonton Expo


This list may change and Dragon Age: Inquisition will likely be at other events not listed here.

If you don’t see your favorite convention represented this time, never fear, we’re currently looking at events for our 2015 season. If there’s an event you think we should be at, tweet @bioware & @jessicamerizan to let us know! We’ll also have online components for many conventions so everyone at home can virtually partake in activities!

Hope to meet some of you IRL this year!