BioWare Live & Online Events

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Hi everyone,

My name is Chris Priestly (some call me “Evil” Chris), and I am part of the BioWare Edmonton/Montreal Community Team. Here at BioWare the Community Team works as a bridge between our studio game developers and you, our fans. We work online through the BioWare Social site, blogs, and social media channels. We also hold live events to meet our great fans.

Many of you who know me likely know my work on the BioWare Social Network (BSN). For many years I was the chief BSN moderator and one of BioWare’s most prolific forum contributors. BioWare always looks for ways to improve our interaction with our community and the BSN, and my role on the Community Team will soon be changing to reflect this. Starting immediately, my activity on the BioWare Social Network will decrease as I take on a new role as BioWare’s Live and Online Event Coordinator.

A key part of my new role at BioWare is planning our online events. What is an online event? Well, it is basically any interaction between BioWare and our fans on the internet: blogs, podcasts, twitter chats, livestreaming… The possibilities go on and on. We’ll be trying new ideas and listening to our community on how they want to interact with us. If you have a suggestion on what you would like to see from BioWare, send me a tweet at @BioEvilChris.

Another key part of my job here at BioWare is planning our live events. Our live events are always based on talking to our fans. We might have a BioWare Base to hang out and talk to developers in; we might work with partners and be part of their booths; and we might hold panels and remain mobile, but the key thing for us is to get out and talk about BioWare with our fans. As we get closer to upcoming events, we’ll be able to go into better detail about what you can expect when we come to your event.

We have a huge network of fans all around the world, and we want to meet as many of you as we can. Our next event is PAX East in Boston Massachusetts, but we are working on attending many more and will give you details of where and when as soon as we can. If you know of a local event that you would like to see BioWare appear at, let us know. Also, if anyone reading this works with a convention or event that you would like the BioWare team to attend, you can let us know at We’d be happy to investigate the opportunity.

We hope to see you this year as the BioWare Community Team hits the road! If we don’t get to see you in person, please join us for fun, informative online events this year.