BioWare Presents at DemoCamp Edmonton

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On January 8, 2013, BioWare participated in DemoCamp Edmonton, an event that brings together developers, creatives, entrepreneurs and investors to share what they’ve been working on and to find others in the community interested in similar topics.

Jeff Marvin, BioWare Edmonton’s Web Development Manager, gave a hands-on walkthrough of the N7HQ website. Launched in the fall of 2012, the site allows players of Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer mode to track their challenges, view their inventory and characters, see leaderboards, and explore profiles to learn how other players operate. Jeff walked the audience through the site’s major features, development methodologies, technical hurdles, and positive consumer reception once launched.

“It’s really great to be able to gather with likeminded developers and share our experiences,” says Jeff. “Our industry is one about building, learning, and improving – events like DemoCamp allow us to do just that with industry peers. Founded locally, BioWare is an Edmonton success story, and we’d like to continue working with the talented people in the Edmonton community.”

Experience N7HQ for yourself.

Also, be sure to check out BioWare Edmonton’s career opportunities, or contact Jeff. Our team is growing and looking for people who can help us create best-in-class experiences for our players.