BioWare Goes to School

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Today we had the great opportunity to meet at the University of Alberta for the CMPUT 250 panel. We had a fantastic turnout, where our BioWare team was able to speak to a large multidisciplinary group of Computer Science students for a little over an hour. The students were eager to ask and learn about BioWare, and they addressed everything from project management to internships.

All in all the event went very well, and it was great to see the enthusiasm and excitement from the students. Vadim, who is the Professor and organizer for the class, said that this panel was by far one of the best events he has had with BioWare, and added that he couldn’t be more pleased with how great BioWare has been for these sessions. We will continue to work closely with Vadim in the future to ensure we are continuing to build our strong relationship with the University.