Movember Interview: Curtis Hrdlicka

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Every November, men of a certain facial hair growing ability band together and put their advanced upper lip hair follicles to work for a good cause: Movember. Each year, Movember raises funds and awareness for prostate cancer, and BioWare is proud to be a participant.

As you may already have heard, we decided to ignite a friendly competition internally between the Mass Effect and Dragon Age teams to see who could raise the most money in support of this cause. You can check in and see how they’re doing here.

Movember is a time of both celebration and pride, but why take our word for it when you can get more information straight from the horse’s mustache? We had the chance to sit down with Edmonton Movember Spokesperson Curtis Hrdlicka, and now his knowledge can be yours!


  • How long have you been participating in Movember? Since 2007, when my moustache was but a whisper of clear hair, and moustaches were not hip yet.
  • What got you started? I was working at the UofA Hospital, and I met the man who brought Movember to Canada, Mike Miller. Mike was interested in getting more people on board, and I was in a unique position to help grow (pardon the pun) everything at the University, at the University Hospital, and with Backside Tours.
  • How has Movember changed since you first started participating? It has morphed from something that was almost frowned upon by friends, coworkers, bosses, and generally every female into a global phenomenon. From an organizational perspective, they movement has grown Canada-Wide, with organized committees in all of the major Canadian Cities reporting back to Movember Canada, now an autonomous charity. The charity itself has matured to focus on prostate cancer awareness, mental health, and total health awareness.
  • How is your Mo growing this year? My Mo starts off as a sparse, slightly red mess of twigs, but grows exponentially both length-wise AND in thickness after the first pitiful week. It has started to fill in in places that it never used to, and has a touch of grey. I would say it is maturing if I didn’t know myself better.
  • Whats the most impressive Mo you’ve seen to date? My favorite MoBro is Sam Elliot. I also love his voice. He could read me a bedtime story every night if he wanted to.
  • Whats your vision for Movember for the future? I want to see Edmonton develop some really profound Movember events in the next few years. We have amazing people in this city that have amazing ideas, and they should feel encouraged to pursue them. I think the Arts community has some real clout to bring to the month in this city, and I want all generations to feel like they can come out and support each other, and talk about their health. That all seems very Utopian, but I think this city is the best in Canada. We are too humble. I also want to see the mayor of Calgary and Mayor Mandel duke it out like 1920’s sailors with moustaches. That one is purely for my enjoyment.
  • Any tips to growing a stylin’ stache? I heard that you should take cold showers with a bunch of cats. I doubt it will not make your moustache grow faster, but it will take you one step closer to being a real man. I bet Tom Selick showers with cats. I bet he showers with Lions.
  • Why has Movember become so popular recently? I bet you that the hipsters will take credit for it in a decade, but I honestly think that a combination of social media and a world-wide lack of shame led more men to grow, and as more men grew, they felt comfortable talking about why they were growing. Health is something that is on everyone’s mind, and it is easier to talk about your own health when you look like a bad-ass.