Asunder Winning Entries

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Thank you everyone for being patient! We were absolutely thrilled with the number of entries and passionate contestants who submitted stories in celebration of David Gaider’s latest book Asunder. Our inboxes filled to bursting with over 400 entries and we enjoyed reading the imaginative and harrowing tales you sent us.

In the end, I couldn’t be more pleased to say that David Gaider and his team of writers Tonia, Sheryl, Luke, and Mary read every single entry. All of them! So no matter how you did in the competition, you can now say that your work has been read by a BioWare writer. Kind of makes me wish I’d entered!

David and his team narrowed down the entries to the top 20. In alphabetical order (how orderly!):

  • “Absent” by Accursed Spatula
  • “Architect” by OatsMalone1
  • “As We Are” by Sagacious Rage
  • “Atonement” by bunny_girl1022
  • “Beyond These Pages” by Cerelinde
  • “Blessed are the Pure in Spirit” by trampledpixie
  • “Burdened” by Elliebean
  • “Chaff in the Wind” by Brynna1998
  • “Conspiracy Theory” by jenovan
  • “Eyes on Me” by Sandtigress
  • “the Flight” by J.M. Beck
  • “Harrowing” by Greer
  • “Horses, and the Smell of Snow” by Ghanima9
  • “Jinx” by Bethadots
  • “Last Strands of Childhood” by Kilyra
  • “Normal” by deekeh
  • “Penitence” by ColorMeSurprised
  • “Pinch’s Fascinations” by Firky
  • “Powerless” by Scary Lady
  • “To Represent an Order” by Ninebits

This was narrowed down by our ace team of writers to five entries. These five finalists will receive a signed copy of Asunder!

  • “Last Strands of Childhood” by Kilyra
  • “Horses, and the Smell of Snow” by Ghanima9
  • “Penitence” by ColorMeSurprised
  • “Powerless” by Scary Lady
  • “Normal” by deekeh

And our final winner, reciving a suite of Dragon Age II products from Razer and a moderated skype conversation with David Gaider, is Kilyra for “Last Strands of Childhood”!

We asked David about judging the contest and he had this to say, “Thank you to everyone who entered, and apologies to those who fell through the cracks because their story hit us at a tired moment or hit some pet peeve. We did our best, and were very impressed. Well done to you all.”

The lead writer of the Dragon Age franchise also wrote a special companion piece for the BioWare Blog discussing his overall thoughts and a few dos and dont’s. Read that here!

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