Documentaries on the Making of Dragon Age: Origins

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by Evil Chris Priestly

Recently Gamespot did a 5 part series of Documentary videos on the making of Dragon Age: Origins. Each part is a video interviewing members of the Dragon Age team about some of the different elements that have gone into making Dragon Age: Origins. They have kindly allowed us to post them here in the BioWare Blog in one handy location for our fans to watch.

Writing an Epic

In this video members of the Dragon Age: Origins team discuss the writing that has gone into making the game. Project Director Mark Darrah, Lead Designer Mike Laidlaw and Lead Writer David Gaider discuss what Dragon Age is and why Dragon Age is both familiar and unique for the fans.


Music of Dragon Age

This documentary features the music featured in Dragon Age: Origins. Composer Inon Zur, Vocalist Aubrey Ashburn and BioWare Studio Director Simon Pressey talk about how the music helps set the darkness and how epic the score really is.


Creating a Living World

This video explains how the development team has brought something new to the Fantasy genre through the art and level design. Senior Concept Artist Matt Rhodes, Art Director Dean Anderson and Lead DLC Designer Ferret Baudoin show off some of the amazing art even showing some of the original concept work done in the Neverwinter Nights engine.


Creatures of Dragon Age Part 1.

In Part 1 of the feature on the Creatures of Dragon Age Senior Concept Artist Matt Rhodes, Senior Artist Matt Goldman, Lead Character Artist Shane Hawco and In-Game Animator Clove Roy show off the concept art and animation process for creating the evil creatures encountered throughout Dragon Age.


Creatures of Dragon Age Part 2.

Part 2 of the Creatures of Dragon Age explains more about the process from concept art through animation till the creature is complete. Senior Concept Artist Matt Rhodes, Senior Artist Matt Goldman, Lead Character Artist Shane Hawco, In-Game Animator Clove Roy and Lead In-Game Animator John Santos illustrate their discussion with the fearsome darkspawn ogre.
