Linron retains power, but control disputed – Alliance News Network

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From: Alliance News Network Information Partners

August 31, 2186

Linron retains power, but control disputed  

By Pietro Pagano

TALAT, SUR’KESH – Dalatrass Linron, the queen bee of Sur’Kesh’s wealthiest bloodline, has retained bloodline leadership by a narrow margin.

In an extended speech given last night to the homeworld and colonies, the dalatrass primarily addressed her constituent clans, duchies, and corporations, lauding growth she secured for salarian businesses and taking shots at the rival Narra bloodline.

Afterward, pledges of loyalty or statements of no-confidence were factored into the weighted electoral system that the Linron bloodline uses to determine leadership.

Dalatrass Narra called Linron to congratulate her on her victory. But insiders say the Linron rivals are to be watched.

“In salarian politics, ‘I love you’ means ‘you’re going to die,’ and ‘you’re going to die’ means ‘I love you,'” one Linron staffer said.

“Linron’s influence over the Salarian Union is undeniable, but the Narra are dangerous. They don’t even recognize Talat as the planetary capital.”

The source added: “If their dalatrass gambles right, she could get the loyalty of the STG, which is key in any coup.”

In other words, it’s just another day on Sur’Kesh.


“The Token Mammal,” Pietro Pagano’s blog on salarian culture, is uploaded weekly from Sur’Kesh.
