Mass Effect 2 and My First E3

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Part 1 of 1, by Heather Rabatich

Mass Effect created big crowds and a lot of buzz at E3: I had the privilege of working the Mass Effect 2 Behind Closed Doors Demo room at E3. This was my first E3 and I was there with one of the biggest titles at the show. After taking in the awe of the massive show floor in the West Hall, I quickly realized just how huge this event was going to be and the impact Mass Effect 2 was going to make. When the show opened on June 2nd ,to when it closed on the 4th, we had up to 50 people outside the BCD room at any given time of day asking questions and wondering how and when they could get in. The line was often so big that there were times I couldn’t tell where it ended in the sea of people. Everyone who has had a hand in the development of Mass Effect 2 should know just how well received this was at E3, trust me, there was never a dull moment!

We showed the demo to Game Informer, USA today,, IGN, G4TV, Gamespot, to name just a few of the hundreds of media and press outlets that came through during the week.

Awards Won: (more to come!)

Best RPG

• 1 up
• XBOX 360 Achievements

Best of Show:
• XBOX 360 Achievements
• CV Games


USA Today
Project Director Casey Hudson describes Mass Effect 2, the follow-up to the rich, detailed action RPG, as the series’ “dark second act.”

Game Informer
EA has one of the biggest booths here at E3 but we made a beeline for a few specific titles that we were excited to see. First was Mass Effect 2 which was the first time for anyone seeing it in action.

Mass Effect 2 slammed my jaw to the floor. If Mass Effect was BioWare bringing their A-game, Mass Effect 2’s looking like what happens when they bring their AAA-game:

Mass Effect 2 Preview – Shepard isn’t dead. That doesn’t mean he’ll stay that way.

Mass Effect 2 Hands-on – Shepard’s back.

This is the one game at the show that I want to play right now, as in this very second. BioWare fixed every issue you might have with Mass Effect and then made everything better.

Mass Effect 2 ended up dropping the most jaws among us.

EA showed a new trailer for Mass Effect 2, the sequel to Bioware’s critically acclaimed interstellar adventure.

A lot of questions still remain unanswered about Mass Effect 2, but we did manage to make a bit more headway today during a new E3 2009 press demo of the highly anticipated role-playing game.

PC World
Want to sneak a peek at Mass Effect 2? Check out the new trailer, and I don’t just mean a bunch of meaningless hype-tastic CGI footage, but actual gameplay:

The Escapist
Second Mass Effect DLC Details Coming Soon

The power of life and death is in your hands in Mass Effect 2.

He’ll need to gather together a gang of intergalactic hard nuts to race about the galaxy, occasionally riding around in a cheeky little tank and handing out brutal justice
EA’s E3 press conference saw BioWare take the stage to show off a small glimpse of its upcoming RPG sequel, Mass Effect :

Heather Rabatich is a Publicist for BioWare focused on Mass Effect 2 and is chiefly responsible for bringing the awesome and shaming her totally disorganized PR coworkers each and every day with her mad spreadsheet skillz.